Monday, January 3, 2011

Trying to nail down a schedule that works for us!!

7:30 Mom up, shower, feed and change Josiah;
Eat breakfast, empty dishwasher
9:00 Devotional, coffee, start laundry;
Everyone get dressed, brush teeth, fix hair
9:30 j nap, Mom set up school activities;
Everyone clean up toys, Mom switch laundry to dryer
10:00 Everyone to kitchen table:
Calendar Time!
- Sing Days of Week song and Months of the Year song
- J write day on calendar
- One straw in bag (working toward 100!)

Talk about the composer, Franz Joseph Haydn.
Find out he tutored Beethoven and was friends with Mozart...both of whom we have already studied!! How cool is that?! :)
Listen to Bach cd, because we can't find our mixed classical CD!!!

Special Activity!
(This week, we're working on an America unit study.)
- Look at American flag online
- Color American flag
- Listen to Mom say Pledge of Allegiance

Bible story (Daniel in the Lions' Den, for L week),
Bible verse (1 Corinthians 13:4 "Love is patient. Love is kind," for L week)

10:30 Active time!
- Hokey Pokey

- Red Light, Green Light

- Freeze Dance

11:30 Everyone plays upstairs while Mom makes lunch
j is awake!
11:45 Lunch time!
- Memory verses (Philippians 2:14, Ephesians 6:1, Matthew 7:12)
12:00 T and E nap time!
J listen to story (audiobook, online, etc.)
- Adventures in Odyssey
12:30 J School time!
- Copywork (Philippians 2:14)

- Kindergarten Skill (Cut and Paste activity)

- Science (5 Senses in Encyclopedia)
- Journal (Draw 5 things you like to see)

- Work boxes
(Truck puzzle book, hand writing, shapes, maze book, numbers, making cards to mail to others, etc.)

2:00 j nap, T up from nap, Read Aloud (Peter Pan)
2:30 Watch educational video
3:00 Snack time!
Play together
5:00 Play outside!
6:15 Room time so Mom can make dinner!
7:00 Dinner, then everybody upstairs to get ready for bed; Play until Daddy gets home!
Whew! Day is over!!

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